Young-At-Heart is a Senior Group, ages 50 and up, married, single, widowers, and widows. 

The group meets in the Church Social Hall every second Monday of each month from September to June at 11:30 a.m for lunch.  Unless specified otherwise, each person attending is to bring a sandwich; desserts and beverages are provided.  This outreach ministry is to offer a time for fellowship while eating lunch.  After lunch a short meeting is held to let the group know who is having a birthday that month and announcements of upcoming meetings.  There is a chance to laugh and talk together and then a special speaker or other entertainment. We have had the Retired Teachers Association and the Richard Henry Lee elementary school choir sing for us at Christmas, The Pascal Center Go Getters have entertained us on occasion, special music has been provided, and speakers to help us learn about problems in the community or to stay healthy.  Usually at least twice a year we have a covered dish luncheon and one month is designated as soup month; whereas, individuals will make a pot of their favorite soup to share with the group.  We have even had a pie month for dessert.

The group is open to any one in the Church, and surrounding communities, who is 50 and over and retired and wants to enjoy the company of other seniors once a month.  One and all are welcome.  We are a, wonderful, congenial, welcoming group.

To enter the building, use the side door to your right, off the parking lot.  There is handicap lift for anyone who has trouble going up and down the steps, and someone is there to assist if you need to use it.  Ring the bell as you come in the door for service.

Calendar of Events

Stay up to date on all of our news and upcoming events!

Contemporary Worship

We offer the Heart of Worship contemporary service every Sunday morning at 9:45 am in our Social Hall.

Ministries and Programs

We offer a variety of ministries to the community. Some people participate to learn, while others participate to teach and serve.

We would love to see everyone Sunday for worship!

Glen Burnie is a Christ-centered faith community which opens its doors and arms to all.