Church Attendance Post-Pandemic

     The pandemic had a profound effect on U.S. society, and it continues to have an impact in some ways. Americans have been less likely to attend religious services over the past four years, and at this point, it does not appear that church attendance will revert to pre-pandemic levels.

     Glen Burnie UMC average church attendance in 2019 was 194 in 2023 it was 129.  There have been people watching on Facebook and YouTube, however, our numbers are consistent with statistics which are showing that nearly all faiths are seeing declines in regular attendance.

     According to Dr. Jeffrey M. Jones, who has served as a Gallup Senior Editor since 2000, reports that Gallup research shows that on any given weekend, about three in 10 U.S. adults attend religious services, down from 42% two decades ago. A decade ago, the figure fell to 38%, and it is currently at 30%. This decline is largely driven by the increase in the percentage of Americans with no religious affiliation — 9% in 2000-2003 versus 21% in 2021-2023.

     Since the pandemic Glen Burnie UMC has seen an increase in persons from other United Methodist Churches and other denominations such as Lutherans and Presbyterians attending our worship services. This is an encouraging trend. Our focus, of course, must continue to be the proclamation of the Gospel’s message of Jesus’ death and resurrection and what that means for those who believe and for those who are feeling the Holy Spirit’s presence leading them toward belief.

     Within the United Methodist Church 25% of all churches voted to disaffiliate from the denomination. This was a significant loss. It has given rise to what is called Lighthouse Congregations within the denomination.  Lighthouse Congregations are churches that serve as hospitable and healing environments for people who seek to remain United Methodist.  Although Glen Burnie UMC has not officially been deemed as such, we are indeed a church that places a high priority on hospitality and healing for all of God’s people.

   As a church we are committed to making disciples for Jesus Christ. The SPRC has hired the Rev. Phil Tocknell as a Visitation Pastor to help me as the congregation continues to age and has an increase population in homebound and shut-ins. Pastor Phil will be called upon on to serve in an “as need basis.”  He will also, on occasion, preach for me when I am on vacation.  The SPRC is also busy with other staff positions that will probably materialize by summer’s end.

    During the months of May and June the School Academic year come to an end.  There will be graduations and celebrations.  We congratulate our graduates. Their names are in the newsletter, please extend warm congratulations to them and pray for them as God directs them onto new paths of learning and work. 

      We must continue to pray for the younger generation that they have a relationship with Jesus. We must do all we can to let them know the doors of Glen Burnie are always open for all generations. It takes all of us to witness to our faith and share the love and grace of God.  No age is too young to hear the wondrous story of Jesus.

      I am saddened by the research regarding younger Americans. The research from both Gallup Research and Pew Research indicate church attendance will likely continue to decline in the future, given younger Americans’ weaker attachments to religion. May we commit ourselves to praying to God that this trend will change course for the sake of everyone.

       May we do all we can in this post-pandemic time to share with the younger generation that God loves them and, as the church, so do we.  If and when they attend worship may they experience Jesus’ unconditional love.  


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Calendar of Events

Stay up to date on all of our news and upcoming events!

Contemporary Worship

We offer a contemporary Worship service every Sunday morning at 9:00am in our Social Hall.

Ministries and Programs

We offer a variety of ministries to the community. Some people participate to learn, while others participate to teach and serve.

Glen Burnie United Methodist Church Services



Glen Burnie United Methodist Church


Located in the heart of old Glen Burnie on Crain Highway since 1926!

 We are so very glad you found us. Glen Burnie is a Christ-centered faith community which opens its doors and arms to all. We invite you to explore faith with us for the first time or to take the next step in your spiritual journey.

Through this website we hope you will catch the spirit of our church family – caring, friendly, and welcoming. Please join us for worship – Glen Burnie could be your next church home!

Our Mission:
To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the  transformation of the world.

Our History:
Our church has a rich and long history in Glen Burnie going back to 1860, and we invite you to come and see what we have to offer.



Sunday Morning Worship Services


Our  services will be held at 9:00am in the Social Hall and at 11:00am in the Sanctuary. The 11:00am services is also  on our Facebook page , YouTube, and our Radio Service WFBR 1590AM.


 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service

10:00 a.m. Sunday School (for All Ages)

11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship Service 

Communion at all services the first Sunday of every month.

The 11:00 a.m. service is broadcast LIVE on WFBR 1590 AM and streamed lived on Facebook.

Rev. Ken McDonald, Pastor

We would love to see everyone Sunday for worship!

Glen Burnie is a Christ-centered faith community which opens its doors and arms to all.

Glen Burnie is a Christ-centered faith community which opens its doors and arms to all.